Monday, March 25, 2013

Venezuelan Art / Arte Venezolano

Sponsored by Kreative Makeovers Interior Design

This week I want to share with you a sample of some art work from various Venezuelan Artist (including myself) that showcased our work as tribute to Carines Moncada, TV personality, this past weekend at the Miami Home Show.

The space was created by the Interior Designer Tamara Roth, who decorated the room with various art pieces that reflect different art expressions from Venezuela's talent.

I was honored to give one of my "Zodiac Symbol" pieces to Moncada as a way to thank her for her support and generosity letting the community know about art and artists from my native country.

Here images of the work... Enjoy!

Esta semana quiero compartir con ustedes una  muestra de destacados artistas plasticos venezolanos (incluyendome) quienes mostramos nuestro trabajo , honrando a Carines Moncada, destacada personalidad de la television, en espacio del Miami Home Show.

El area fue creada por la disenadora Tamara Roth, quien elaboro una habitacion decorada con varias piezas de arte, creadas por artistas venezolano.

Tuve el placer de hacer entrega, de una de mis piezas de arte de la serie "Signos", a Moncada, como forma de agradecimiento por su apoyo al talento hispano creado por artistas de mi pais natal.

Aqui una muestra de este evento... Disfruten!

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